When your fortune arrives, people who have known you during the days of adversity will find it difficult to believe the positive change of circumstances. Fortune is that wind of change that blows across your life and things will start working out for you. This is why you must not give up.
All of a sudden, people that matter will notice you and the efforts you have been making. You will start getting referrals, recommendations, opportunities. Your phone begins to ring as you become highly sought-after. The frequency of credits alerts on your phone increases. It is as though people are asking “Where have you been all this while?” Your product becomes a household brand with massive customer patronage. Investors start showing great interest in your project and they are almost begging to contribute funds.
The books you have written that hardly sold will suddenly become a best-seller. What didn’t work for you in the past will suddenly start working for you. People who have forgotten you will remember and reach out to you. Those who once rejected your proposal will give you a call. This is what happens when your fortune comes. You can see why you must keep your dreams of greatness alive by working on them as much as you can.
Things are going to change with time. I have come to understand that we all have different timing when it comes to the arrival of fortune. Wait for your own time. Beware of dangerous comparison. Stop comparing your progress with that of your friends who already basking in fortune. You sometimes wonder why you are not as fortunate. The selfish part of you might make you feel you deserve better things in life than them. Understand that your own time of fortune is coming. Be happy in the now and be happy with the progress of other people. Invest time to prepare yourself for your fortune. Your fortune might come in form of an opportunity or opportunities. It would be tragic for that opportunity to come and meet you unprepared. It is a sheer waste of time throwing a pity party or wishing for better circumstances. Self-pity and mere wishes will not produce any positive impact. Make the best use of your time of preparation so that when your time of fortune comes, you are caught unawares.
You are not going to wait for fortune to arrive at your doorstep without you lifting a finger. I know people get lucky in life but I believe that luck happens when preparation meets with opportunity. It was Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth and probably the most popular President of the United States of America, that said he would give himself to study and preparation with the hope that one day his chance will come. And his opportunity came despite the several failures he experienced. In fact, Abraham Lincoln’s story continues to be a reference-point to inspire anyone who is discouraged because of multiple setbacks.
Despite his poor background, he was tenacious about his dream of becoming a lawyer. His political career was strewn with failures but until he came the 16th President of United States of America. The point is that he never gave up before his fortune arrived. You are going to hold on. You are going to be strong. Indeed, everyone needs encouragement. And that is what I am giving to you. Your fortune is underway, so keep keeping on! Persistence is the name of the game.

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