The Ministry of Health in Uganda has called for a reduction on the price of female condoms in order to increase their accessibility.The officials also proposed that with time, when funds are procured, the condoms should be availed free of charge.The assistant commissioner for health promotion and education at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Paul Kagwa, said encouraging more people to use the female condom, will promote safe sex practices in Uganda.Dr. Kagwa was speaking yesterday during commemoration of World Female Condom Day.He noted that male condoms met a lot of barriers when they were introduced but with time, they were accepted.”Now that scientists have made both male and female condoms available, there is need to increase their accessibility. There is proof that they are effective,” said Dr Kagwa.According to Mr. Williams Kidega, the deputy chief of party at PATH, making female condoms available in the mainstream health systems, will increase their usage.READ MORE HERE