Each time I have to write posts like this, I try to let go of my pain before typing. Why are Nigerians like this? What is this throw back craze about please?
So before I go on, view the image below posted by a facebook user with the caption:

Then check out the following comments;
Ogini? I know the weather is kinda hot, I know we don’t have power, I know Naira is an insult right now and I also know we seem to believe we got ‘chain’ instead of the promised ‘change’ but are we hungry in the brain? Na question o…please don’t take it personal.
When I see people go gaga about throwback pictures, I look closely at the picture to understand the craze.
Yes some throwback pictures call for proper thanksgiving and I mean the type that will need you to slaughter cows, goats, rams and everything slaughterable (forgive me please, but you get my point?)
I know I cannot start going into plenty research just to drive my point home but do check out these two cameras;
Do they look the same? Can their output ever be the same? I need answers please. Just nod along or shake your head as you read, I can see you! Oh yes I can!
Between the first image and the later, innovations have happened (God bless these innovative thinkers and doers). The world is not where it used to be. The world has moved on, people in the world have also moved on. There is no freaking way a picture you took in the year 1989 will look the same as the one you take today even if you are from a family that has never known suffer. It’s not possible. Stop dragging God into everything and at the same way let Satan be sometimes.
The makeup trend of 1999 is not the same as the makeup trend in 2016. We now have primer, coutour and the likes. I am not a makeup artist therefore I don’t know these things but we really need to chill with the throwback glorification.
Don’t get me wrong though, I am glad we are alive. The fact that we are here, healthy and making progress with more innovations is enough to give thanks to God every minute but sounding all gullible about it can twist belle.
Calm down please, sometimes its just an old picture. Nothing special. You were not born this way, and like old wine, we hope to always come out looking better than our yesterday.
However, for the image you are going to see next, i have got no opinion! Absolutely none! bye
1 comment
Lol…I have an opinion I can’t air…For the last picture.