It is a perfect poetry portrait,Pixels precisely picturing her posture,Painted purple and pink,Perplexing prowess in purchasing perspectives,Punitive points on primary politics,Penned with pride and painted with passion.Pardon my progressive pattern of using P’s,Poetry praises , poetry preaches , poetry also punishes,Passion pin-pointed in plenty of my pieces,My perfect poetic portrait,Painting the proper practice of peaceful presidency,Problem presenting peach pigment patched there.Pure and productive thoughts pardoned from the prison,Poured out provocatively but proverbially papered,Poking promiscuous pastors and paper-chasing prophets,Who parent our pessimism in their pastoral practices,As we prognosticate paganism in their prophecies,Poor Peter poisoned by their paralyzing portions.Picasso styled I paste the painful posture,My portrait like Paws protruding prominently I pose a risk,My poetic portrait, priceless and picturesque,Pot inspired at moments , but passionately pottered,Pedants of political and religious vitality,Pistols rounds to the clergymen and parliament persons,If practically pictured perfectly it punishes fairly.
by Takudzwa Denny Ziwenjere
Image – Drawing of Elsie Godwin by Chuky One Pilla