Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you reading this. I am sorry its coming late due to online services palava beyond my control.  Hope you had the best of celebration. The good thing about the palava is that I have been resting my head well, finished reading ‘Fight like a girl’ by Lisa Bevere and started another book – ‘The Tipping point’ by Malcolm Gladwell. I guess i am becoming a good girl. LOL. I would recommend ‘Fight like a girl’ to every Christian woman out there, read and tap into your inner strength. Most people do not understand that by being a woman, you are powerful, you are a source of strength to your immediate surrounding and not acting in that full capacity is a waste. Grab a copy today and thank me later.

Enjoy this beautiful poem written by Osoba Taiwo to mark the Easter celebration. Gracias :DBehold, there was a great earthquakeFor an angel of the Lord descend from heavenThe soldier on guard with trembling shakeThey were all fear drivenThe angel rolled back the stone and sat on itHis countenance was like lightningThe soldiers on guard immediately lost their witThey were all tremblingJesus has risenHe rose on the third dayThe devil has fallenThe temple veil has been set ablazeThe grave could not hold HimThe gate of hell did not prevailDespite the people’s evil schemeThe soldiers on guard failThe glory of GodHas defeated the nightDespite the numbers of soldiers on guardHe who was dead has risen and seen the lightchrist is reason

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