Send your Manuscript for the Iowa Short Fiction Award

The University of Iowa Press seeks submissions for the Iowa Short Fiction Award and John Simmons Short Fiction Award. They are looking for full-length short story collections manuscripts. The winning manuscript will be published by the University of Iowa Press.


  • Previously submitted manuscripts that have been revised may be resubmitted for the award.
  • Writers are still eligible if they have published any volume of poetry or any work in a language other than English or have self-published a book in a small print run. 
  • Writers who are living abroad or are non-US citizens writing in English are still eligible.
  • Current students of the University of Iowa are not eligible.
  • There is no submission fee.

How to Submit:

  • The collection should be in English.
  • Stories previously published in literary magazines may be included. However, the manuscript as a whole should be previously unpublished.
  • A cover page, content page, and the author’s name may be included in the manuscript.
  • Submit by mail to:

Iowa Short Fiction Award

Iowa Writers’ Workshop

507 North Clinton Street

102 Dey House

Iowa City IA 52242-1000

  • The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2020.


The announcement of the winners will be made early in the following year on their Facebook page and Twitter account. If you are interested in submitting your work, you may read stories by previous winners by ordering The Iowa Award: The Best Stories from Twenty Years and The Iowa Award: The Best Stories, 1991ñ2000.

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