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810 results found.
No, the title is not misleading. The 100 Naira notes in circulation can make you very sick. Because of the state of these 100 Naira notes, attendants at the supermarket very close to my house don’t like me…the feeling is mutual though. It’s no... Read More
The grating sound of the alarm was all she could hear. She glanced at it, 5:30AM. She turned it off and looked up at the ceiling. Another day, another journey. She knew she had to get out of bed but her body was unwilling, the pains of the stress of... Read More
Are you one of those people who’s looked back on 2017 and convinced yourself that you haven’t achieved anything? Worried about catching up with your mates who seem to have done much better? Let me tell you a story about time A long time... Read More
“Fuck!” You say the f-word for the third time in your life. And you repeated it more confidently and rapidly like a roaring generator – “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Your voice like a machine gun dropping bullets... Read More
I am leaving. I pick up a piece of paper and my Fanthom ballpoint pen as I shuffle to the kitchen table to write him a note. I was meant to tread the water, but now I’ve gotten in too deep. “Hi” I begin. It brings back a thought from when we... Read More
Chikamnele Emela stood on Third Mainland Bridge when he saw a man in one of those stilt huts built above water excreting into the sea. He watched him pull his boxers down to his knees and bow swiftly, scratching his thighs while faeces trooped out from... Read More
The heart is like a room: with a door to enter or exit. Some people stand in the door way for too long procrastinating; “Do I go in or do I stay out”? We can only accommodate the presence for a while, before we make a decision. Do you want to come... Read More
Chief Obi was a quintessential Igbo man as far that the stereotype went. At fifty-six he was a rich merchant trading on imported bathroom fittings. His English was terrible, but he didn’t care much for finishing school and other such luxuries. As far... Read More
You can have the most flawless makeup, but if your skin isn’t on point, then it’s all for nothing. From fighting acne decades past puberty to having free skin, the battle for good-skin seems like a hard thing to win. Which is why we hosted Chantel... Read More