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The dust winds have become more frequent when Nonyelum starts spending weekends at Ayo’s self-con in Gusau. On one of those hazy mornings, they stay too long in bed, until she says they have to eat or she’ll die hungry in his arms, then disappears... Read More
The producers of Game of Thrones finally released the final season this month. Nothing is more interesting than reliving your favourite scenes by really visiting them. You however, should understand that most of the scenes in the film are CGI-enhanced... Read More
The other day, this lady complained to me about how hard it was to be a parent. I totally agreed with her. She has two boys she claims give her hell and she’s tired already. She adds that this is why she got a nanny to handle them. “When... Read More
By Victoria Ige She sat by the window and looked out. The sky was a faded blue, the air cool but dry. They called it harmattan season. She turned to a photo of herself at the opposite side of the room – smiling shyly, cute. “Two”,... Read More
Here is where all the survivors come, a morsel of bread in the morning, two servings of rice at noon, tuwo at night. It’s same everyday but it is better than no food. Every day more and more people come into the camp and the food servings... Read More
Click HERE for previous episodes Saturday Mum and I get to church earlier than the usual time, I had pushed that we go earlier just so I can ascertain he is the one taking confessions that Saturday but that isn’t what I told her,... Read More
When it comes to married life, you and your spouse make decisions and solve problems on a daily basis. But, have you ever actually had training for how to communicate as a couple? Likely not. Think of how much easier your married life would be if... Read More
Mother said people who don’t go to church will die like chickens. Every time I visit, she’ll remind me of how Tobi our neighbor was crushed by a truck because he refused to accept Jesus and how Aunt Helen did not have a husband because she... Read More
The smell of wet grass and chirping of birds ushered him into the square. A place he had known vaguely to be home. Trees bent at the top, formed canopies to block the scorching heat of the sun. He smiled as he watched children play in circles under... Read More