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#BlogFest #50DaysCountDownTo2015 – DAY 8, Written by @enyola . He blogs tat I recently noticed something in the way Arabs name their children compared to what we do here in Africa. They Use “Al”... Read More
#BlogFest #50DaysCountDownTo2015 – Day 13. Written by @immune70 All that bullcrap about being born gay, God making one with such sexual preference is just what it is “bullcrap”. I ain’t against what one choose to sleep with but saying... Read More
Religion is one of the most famous lifestyle attributes on the planet…probably the most famous if you took a headcount. But for all the religiosity can we really boast that our faith plays a part in our day to day philosophy. It is easy to raise... Read More
With the rise of the dreaded extremist/terrorist group Boko Haram, the meaning of whose name and major motto translates to “western education is forbidden”, the role of education in Islam has come into question. The group has carried out brazen... Read More
Fellow Nigerians,1. I greet and felicitate with you all, today, as we mark 15 years of uninterrupted democratic governance in our beloved country.2. Our dear nation, Nigeria, has certainly come a long way and made notable progress since our first... Read More
They say a woman’s place is the kitchen. I am not here to dispute that but that makes the woman a unique creature. No matter the size of that kitchen, a whole lot of lesson are learnt from the kitchen that helps the African woman to be who she... Read More
Sometime in a certain province, there was a field cultivated by a farmer with known good seeds. The seeds germinated and grew up into productive crops yielding an obvious joy to the owner. Suddenly, weeds from nowhere sprang up and began to compete... Read More
Nothing that God makes is whole in itself; everything is a part. Everything God created requires a connection. We are all connected to one another in a way too fundamental to be explained in a single sentence. The mouth need words; the eyes need view;... Read More
Certainly we know that there are different types of spoon. But then the phrase “born with or without a silver spoon” is very popular. So one could conclude that a silver spoon is the best type of spoon one can posses.For me I don’t... Read More