When they were fresh of their mother’s breasts
And no longer wiped their faces with scholarly diapers
They would gather at the brink of normalcy, bidding farewell to deviation
And watch the sun yawn into the clouds and atop trees
Then to the early psalms of the morning creatures, they’d hymn
A song of change, a lullaby for liberation
But the morning would become deaf and the day quiet
For the unmet promises from their leaders campaign suckle from their hopes
But when the sun found respite beneath the umbrella of clouds
And the rain tinkered on the soil of their infancy
They became teenagers—still courting the prospects of change
They’d gather at the casket of their forefather’s hopes
Singing with new tongues an old song
But the sky would roll up and government’s hearing retreat
To watch them sing those strange songs alone
Then from the lying lips of their reluctant heroes will come
A reason to change their song, an excuse to lose the fight
And now, their assemblage is a prayer of full beards and bare breasts;
They now pick at the hope from their infancy
Sitting around the remains of their youth
Their hymns now slurred with age and perseverance
Each word weary from the burden of their sojourn
Still singing an old song—though with old tongues
For they believe they’d be witness to the day
When the sky will brighten at their orchestra
And the morning creatures will share their songs
A day the sun will awaken to lean on the shoulders
Of their hope and truth will be engraved in the lips of their leaders;
A day they’d be glad they never gave up on their country
1 comment
Wow. This made me speechless! Wow wow wow…