Written, Produced and Directed by James Abinibi, Mentally is the story of a young Nigerian man, Akin, who despite his mother’s warnings, decides to relocate to Lagos where his only friend, Emeka (a former schoolmate) promises him enormous... Read More
#Poetry – Funeral Day
There was a time when The woman who lived in that house Turned stranger to me. In stormy weather, the way she Laughed made me feel she nursed a Darkness deep inside. There was a new twist to her smile. Her hungry blank face turning to... Read More
Safe Online Shopping: 5 Best Tips
There are many reasons why online shopping is becoming more and more popular with every year. You get to buy all kinds of products without leaving the comfort of your home; there are irresistible deals, sales, and bargains; and the selection of goods... Read More
Trailer: Frank Donga, Toyin Abraham, Ali Nuhu in Asurf’s ‘Hakkunde’
Produced and Directed by AMVCA winner, Asurf Oluseyi, Hakkunde is an intriguing story of a young graduate who battles everything (including love, family, discrimination, drug abuse, culture, tradition and self) on his journey to self-discovery and... Read More
Benefits of Garlic
I have always known garlic to be very medicinal and effective because my mother never joked with garlic (and ginger) but sweet mouth will not let me be great. Eze, @pelletini on twitter, made a thread where he shared some knowledge about garlic and as... Read More
Rules of an Open Relationship
There are about 25 types of romantic relationship in which an open relationship is one of them. I have talked about open relationship on radio and it came up on TV while I was discussing friends with Benefits on Crux of the Matter with my guests. Open... Read More
The Famous @officalEFCC handler is a Nigerian Rapper: Check out his Video
EFCC Nigeria revealed the personality behind the witty and intelligent tweets on their official twitter handle @officialEFCC on Monday. You are an excellent communicator; you are special. Good luck for the future and thank you for your service... Read More
I left Uber for Taxify but now I use both
Uber came to Nigeria in 2014 and when that happened, it was the coolest thing ever because they served an essential need in a very classy way. It was so cool to have an AC fitted car come pick you without having to pay for being picked up. Before uber,... Read More
In the Name of Blood: A Review of Oyinkansola Braithwaite’s Thicker Than Water
By Sami Tunji In the beginning are the Words. Words that crawl into your heart and you want to read further into the mysterious underworld of Oyinkansola Braithwaite’s Thicker Than Water. “Korede, I killed him” is the first sentence that triggers... Read More