Man sues wife for giving birth to an UGLY child and wins case

The godfather

A Chinese man named Jian Feng sued his wife for giving birth to an ugly girl and a court injunction has mandated the woman to compensate the man with a sum of $120,000

Jian Feng & family

He charged his beautiful wife to court for giving birth to a girl who he describes as being “incredibly ugly”. He reportedly won the case in court and the presiding Judge has ordered his wife to compensate him with a staggering sum of $120,000.“I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues. Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me”, this Feng revealed during an interview with Irish Times.The crisis started when Jian Feng attributed the ugliness of the child to infidelity on his wife’s path. A DNA test was allegedly conducted which ascertained Jian Feng’s status as the biological father of the child. As the pressure persisted, his wife confessed to have had about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery done in South Korea before they met.It was on this ground that her husband file a case in court. He accused her of false pretenses, deceit on looks and scam.A judge agreed with Feng’s argument and ordered his wife to indemnify him with $120,000.THE GOODNEWS IS, “COSMETIC SURGERY DOESN’T AFFECT THE WOMB. OFFSPRING NA OFFSPRING” LOOOOL

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