When I say, “Leave it for God”, I mean do not worry about your situation, rather be ruled by what God says about it. There is a better way to handle your situation – the key is not to suffer the flesh; the key is to walk in the spirit. When you walk in the spirit in Christ Jesus, satan is under your feet.
In Exodus 14:1 to the end, Moses chose to leave his situation for God and let Him glorify His name and that was why he boldly said to the children of Isreal, “Do not worry about the numerous adversaries nor be terrified by the Raging Red Sea for our battle for survival is not a personal challenge but the Lord’s. He does not need a support: leave it for God and see what will happen.
By this statement, we are made to understand clearly that when we do not seek to defend ourselves in the matter, we will be made stronger by the Lord. Our communication in prayer is imperfect unless aided by the Holy Spirit. In Zachariah 4:6, it is written, “it is not by might but by my spirit say the Lord”.
The best man in the world holds his integrity, position or honor no longer that God keeps him in it. For by God’s grace we are who we are, where we are and what we are. If God withdraws His support from us or if we were to be left to ourselves, we would fall and our enemies would triumph over us. We must leave our situation for God because salvation is not in us. We can destroy ourselves – we cannot save ourselves but the name, Jesus Christ can. When we learn to use the name Jesus Christ according to the scripture and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will have the secret that shook the whole world through the apostles. What is the secret? There is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. There are miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. Miracles are God restoring what satan has tampered with. How are miracles and wonder wrought by believers? Miracles and wonder are not wrought by repeating the name Jesus Christ as a good-luck Charm but by believing in it as a divine revelation of His grace and goodwill to men. His goodwill towards us is to be physically healed and spiritually saved.
Now, what is challenging your faith in God? Is it hardship, infirmity, oppression, intolerance or injustice? Look deep enough for there are two sides to a coin: Firstly, the natural side where people try to figure out with their natural mind. Secondly, the spiritual side and the ultimate conclusion where satan was defeated. By faith, see the other side. I mean, log in to the new realm above the senses. When you log in to the new realm above senses, you will get out of the natural side of life where satan rises up and becomes bigger and then, into the spiritual side of life where satan diminishes and becomes smaller. Only then will you be able to see clearly that satan is a defeated foe – he knows it and we know it.
Where and how was satan defeated? First and foremost, Jesus Christ defeated satan on the cross of Calvary. His victory over satan was much more than a natural victory – it was a spiritual victory. Christ’s victory gave all believers their own victory. I mean, Christ has given overcoming victory to all those who are born again – those who are not born of flesh and blood nor of the corruptible seed – by the living and eternal word of God.
How can we overcome satan? We overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimony. (Revelation 12:11). Victory obtained through Christ Jesus is already there for those who recognize it. Victory through Christ Jesus is victory indeed; the rest is history. If you want to be victorious and successful in life, please, include God in your decision making.
How many of us include God in our decision making? When we were young, we believed we could go it all alone without any corresponding reference to God. Little did know that after we must have done everything humanly possible, we still need to leave the issue with God for it is His duty to mark our work. To get our prayers answered, we must depend entirely on the merit and mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ as the only ground for claiming any blessing from God. In other words, as Christians, we must learn not to rely on ourselves but on someone stronger, smarter and wiser than ourselves. Our Lord, Jesus Christ who raises the dead was Paul’s choice. What’s yours?
As Christians, the God who raises the dead is our choice. Trust in yourself and you are doomed to disappointment. Trust in your friends or parents and they will die and leave you. But trust in Jesus Christ and you will never be confounded in time or eternity.
If the weak come to Jesus Christ, He will strengthen and help them just as He would the strong. He will not allow you to be devoured for the extent of His care and the strength of His might weakens and frustrates our adversaries.
Ultimately, there are two classes of people in our midst toady: Those who fight for God and those who God fights for. Which of these two groups of people do you belong to?
You can only leave it for God when you are guided by the Holy spirit to be in an attitude of prayer at all times for the best antidote against the poison of sin is to walk in the spirit in Christ Jesus. Herein lies the very condition on which we can leave it for God on the condition that Jesus Christ is the CEO, Boss and Director of your life because God stands for those who worship Him in absolute holiness.
Are you misjudged, cheated, hated, persecuted or abandoned by your people though you are doing everything humanly possible to live centered and earth friendly ways? Please, run to God – I mean, leave it for God and see the care He takes of His true worshippers. Jesus lives and never said, ‘Goodbye’ and His presence will more than supply everyone else’s absence. We need no more to make us happy than to have our Lord, Jesus Christ with our spirit for in Him, all spiritual blessings are summed up. Let’s walk in His presence. Let’s feel our hands in His hands and let’s relax in the precious arms of the Holy spirit.
I leave you under the influence of the Holy spirit who will guide you to leave your situation for God and I pray to meet to you again under the same influence. Stay in His presence in Jesus Christ name. Amen!
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Even with everything that happens in our lives n d lives of others daily,some people still leave that space in their minds for doubts in the existence of God. Everywhere I look,I see people who embrace etheism and atheism like super man’s cape and proudly say they do not believe a God exists. Some use science as their excuse, others hinge it upon the ignorant notion, that -‘God cannot exist and allow this much violence in the world’ forgetting that even God’s only son was faced with such violence inflicted not by God but these same humans he has created in his image and likeness. God has given us his freewill, to do whatever we please, but dt’s not an opportunity to stray so far away and hinge it upon non-belief like it’s some kinda trophy. In my life, I have seen so many miracles performed on myself and my family,not by any pastor or priest by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, only a fool will not recognise those works. God works and he answers prayers, if one prays not, he will not know! Thanks Elsie,nice piece as usual!!!
you are right dear. we pray God open the eyes of our heart. have a blessed week