Discover Your Real Value

Jesus Christ is the word by whom God speaks to us. And in Hebrews 13:8, the Bible says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever”. This means, whatever is rooted in God is permanent. When I say permanent, I mean stable, incontestable, and untouchable. Looking at your life, you will see that every day you are in a situation where you have to make a decision. For example, when people insult you, you are to decide whether to forgive them or to insult them back. When you are in need of help, you are to decide whether to run to God or to run to your worldly friends.

The question is: Are you making the right decision?

I mean, are u sure that the decisions you make will stand at the time of great need? Remember, whatever is rooted in God is permanent. Unless the decisions we make are rooted in God’s word, they cannot stand at the time of great need. Now, common sense tells us that some decisions are much more important than others. But we need to know: which decision is the most important in life? Deciding to put your trust in Christ Jesus as your Lord and savior is the most important decision you can make in life. In other words, life’s biggest decision is what you do with Jesus. When you receive Jesus Christ, you will get His ideas, know His opinion of yourself and others, work with His projects, see life as He sees it and see yourself the way God sees you. If you do not see yourself the way God sees you, you will not see your real value. And if you do not see your real value, you will not be able to fulfill the purpose which God has created you for.

Genesis 37:5,9-11. – If you say you are too old or too young to succeed in life, consider the case of Joseph. Very early in life he was shown the photograph of his future. Are you talking of Moses? He was called to be a deliverer. This means no one is too old or too young to succeed in life. You are not too old or too young to succeed in life.

Joseph had a dream. That dream, the photograph of his own future was known to him alone. The photograph we are talking about is within everyone. That incredible photograph of tomorrow is planted within everyone by the Holy Spirit. Once it is planted, it becomes a seed within us. We all know, as a farmer, the seed must remain planted and be watered before it can produce its harvest.

This means, we have a role to play: we must believe that photograph.

Joseph believed his dream and his dream came to pass. On the contrary, many of us today have received the photograph of our future but we find it difficult to believe. Today, many want to remain in the warm arms of their parents, relations or country.

We are afraid to venture into the cold arms of the society where necessary lessons about life should be learned.

What many are to be in life may not be situated in their father’s house or country. That is why many people today that are supposed to be in the position of a leader still find themselves in the position of a follower. Many people today that are supposed to be in the position of managing director still find themselves in the position of a cleaner. They still wait for their parents to agree, they wait for their friends to agree, they wait for their community to agree before they can step out with boldness to take God at His word. josephI want to remind you that the moment Joseph revealed his dream to his brothers, the Bible says that they hated him all the more. So, why should anyone wait for another confirmation?

Man cannot discover new oceans if he does not lose sight of the shore.

Believe your dream. When you believe your dream, you become a man of vision. To a man of vision, no matter what happens, no matter what comes, there is always a future. That is why when Joseph found himself in the dry pit, he said to himself, “This is not where I belong! I know my real value”. If you are a man of vision, no matter what constitutes the obstacles on your way, you can never be stopped.

Instead of pressure and tension to reduce your vision, it will enlarge your strategies.

A dream is like a road map. When we receive the picture of our future, our conduct and behavior are altered to birth that photograph. That is, our mind begins to change; our way of life begins to change. When you know your real value, your enemies may try to strip you of outward prestige and beauty but they cannot take from you the wisdom and the grace of God. potiphars wifeWhen Joseph found himself in Potiphar’s house, he was given the option to sleep with his master’s wife or to be faithful to his God. But because he knew his real value, he did not fall into temptation with Potiphar’s wife. He chose to obey God and he ended up in the prison. Being a man of vision, he said to himself, “This is not where I belong! I know my real value”.

When you know your real value, your enemies may rob you of liberty and confine you in a prison cell but they cannot shut you out of the throne of mercy and communion with God.

God is more concerned with our future than He is about our present state. Mention any biblical character and you will see how much pain, difficulty and danger they had to endure to come to a new level in life. When trouble comes to the man of faith, there is always a future. But to a man without faith, the end has come. Finally, if you want to discover your real value, you must see whatever you are doing as an assignment from God. When you see whatever you are doing you are doing as an assignment from God, you cannot afford to disappoint Him because you will be conscious of the fact that one day you would return to Him and rest in Him. Therefore, make the most of life because life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting value. TBJ….SCOAN

Have a blessed week.

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