#Blogfest: Leave It All

#Blogfest: Leave It All on elsieisy.com

#BlogFest 2:0 Day 19 – #30DaysCountDownTo2016

“Eureka! I’ve found it. Chineke Mo! After so many years of searching; so it has been on Mazi’s field all along”.

Ezelidichukwu was a Miner; He had spent all his life looking for Gold. Everyone in his community thought he was crazy because the last recorded event of someone ever finding gold in Umuazu village was in the ‘stone age’. All people heard about finding gold were in tales and fables. He was a jobless fool, that didn’t have a future in the eyes of all. Eze was adamant; He had never found gold, but He somehow believed it was there.

“Chai! What will I do now o! If I carry what I’ve found out like this; people will call Mazi’s attention & he will claim it all. Mazi doesn’t even get to this part of his extremely big field”

Eze sat down for a moment & thought deeply for a while

“Ahan! I know what I’ll do…” He said aloud to himself.

Ezelidichukwu remembered that Mazi had once mentioned to him that he wanted to sell off the land. It was one of Mazi’s many assets he had little affinity for. He always had plans to sell it and move into His family property.

The thought prompted Eze to His feet, he sold all he had and went on to purchase Mazi’s field.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field – Matthew 13:44”


The proof of Value is Time & Commitment. You cannot say you love someone or something without committing time, money, effort and your all to it. The story I shared above is just a contemporary version of a parable Jesus shared. Note that Eze sold all he had just to purchase the field.

In the same way, Christ gave ALL He had to save us. He redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). The only reason God was able to lay ALL down for us is because He valued us so much. He saw that we were worth it and He was committed us. Just as Eze didn’t give up on finding gold; God never gives up on us. He loves us and calls out to us. He wants us; it doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past or are still doing. His arms are wide open. Run into them!

Another angle to this story is our role as believers. If we indeed claim to have accepted Christ as our savior, we must be ready to ‘sell all we have’ to follow Him. You can’t have God and your sins; they don’t mix. We must leave EVERYTHING that has relation with our flesh and cling to Christ. We are constrained to love Christ back, because He first loved us (2 Corinthians 5:14-17).

“And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me – Luke 9:23”

Give all you are away and Follow Christ!

Written by Ayoola-Abolade Toyosi

Student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife


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