I live amongst you, we wine and dine together. As supposed human beings we have thoughts limited to us, but what are your thoughts about me as of mine to you?In the sanity of my quietness I create the insanity of my actions. I watch them provocatively... Read More
Say No To Rape
Day 7 : #SayNoToRape Why didn’t you tell anybody?Why didn’t you run?If it was me, I would have slapped him. All these words kept hitting me from all angles, I wanted to scream.I was the one that was affected, yet no one cared to... Read More
Day 7: #SayNoToRape RAPE – SHARDS OF BROKEN GLASS The word rape is gotten from the latin word “rapere” which means To Seize. It is defined by many professors of the English Language as : The forcing of someone into sex. This definition has... Read More
Words to Reflect on
Why should you be depressed? Why should a Christian be depressed? John 16: 33 1st Corithians 10:13Don’t lose your focus. What are the things that can make you lose focus? No matter what is going on in your life, you should remain in faith and... Read More
My Almost Rape Story – Elsie
DAY 6: #SayNoToRape Rape is a topic on the lips of most people these days because the rise of exposure on crime has finally come to light in this part of the world.Rape didn’t just start, it has always been but our culture and mentality never... Read More
Why a rape Victim needs you
DAT 6: #SayNoToRape In a national violence against women survey which was conducted in 1977 in the United States of America, it was found that 1 out of 6 women and 1 out of 33 men had experienced rape (either attempted or the full) as a child... Read More
Sour 16
Day 5: #SayNoToRape”He forcefully thrust inside of me, tearing my womanhead all the way to my heart, tearing my emotion all the way to my soul, tramping on my feelings and stampeding my self-esteem. I can only feel pain as he forced his way into... Read More
Day 5: #SayNoToRape My fame has become shame hiddenBottled up in my heart with the chain of painI’m bruised like a torn veinBeautiful outside, but bleeding withinI long to say, but the wash of humiliation won’t let meI fear that I will... Read More
I was Raped and now Revenge…
This a true life story!!!********My name is Efe and I finished from UNIBEN. That’s all I will be willing to share on this platform as I crave my anonymity.Where do I begin from? I am a rape victim and now …..It all started some few years... Read More