Dear Sir, Compliments of the season to you sir. How is the presidential campaign going? Sir, I commend your tenacity and undying commitment to serving your people. Such display of courage and determination is born of stuffs of legends and brings... Read More
You are a performer at every point in time. Last year, you performed but how was your performance vis-a-vis your potential. How do you want to perform this year vis-a-vis your potential? I am positive that you want to live to up to your potential... Read More
His Excellency, Happy new year to you Mr. President. I trust it met you in high spirits like it met me. I promised myself a long time ago to write you sir but I am happy it took me this long to fulfill this promise as it could not have come at a more... Read More
I was fifteen when I first got admitted into the hospital. For a girl who normally goes to bed sick and wakes up good as new that was strange.I woke up with a strange illness one fine Sunday morning, (yes, there had been signs but I ignored them) and I... Read More
BLACKMAN’S MYTHS – ALU I: “The Beginning”
The day Nwaorieocha’s parents sent her out of the compound was an Eke. She had cried for hours, insisting she was raped by the crafty god Ekwensu, but her parents had refused to listen. “We have seen you sneak about with Kodili. Go to his... Read More
Same Event – Different Responses: Same Trajectories
While the ink was yet to dry on this piece, I immediately was forcefully torn between a confusing web of two different worlds; two diverse emotions: hope and doubt. I hurriedly at the same time asked myself, how do I feel in this very moment – am... Read More
Sunday Sermon: The Curse of Fundamentalism
As a freethinker I strongly believe that there is no right more important than that of the individual to be able to think and express his or her opinion on any issue regardless of an offense this may cause to someone else. Freedom of expression should... Read More
Blood of Jesus! Back to sender!! What did I just see? A cat! God forbid! (Dials pastor’s cell)…”Pastor, good evening sir. How are u sir?” Please sir, pray for me, I just saw a black cat pass through my window. That’s how... Read More
Nurse Nancy 7
previous episode But then my conscience came into play. I wanted more, its obvious Kayode wanted more too but I couldn’t do this no more. I stood up, wore my dress, refused answering his questions and walked out the door. I felt bad, really bad.... Read More