Hi! Hi!! Hi! Good day people, I guess by now you should know you are the best part of my life right now. Thank you for each time you have visited this blog, time spent on this blog, posts shared, comments made, feedback sent, friends introduced and... Read More
You won’t believe this! Hmmmm!! I have been going to this church for a very long time and the pastor has never asked me “how are you doing”? I’m not even sure he knows my name or anything about me. I have been dealing with some issues in my... Read More
Amebo tete-a-tete
Wunmi and Lara walk to the balcony of Mardel hostel in Under G. There is no-one on the balcony when they get there. Wunmi sits on the wooden balcony rail with her thin long legs also placed on the rail. “Put your leg down,” Lara screams, “Do you... Read More
Freedom of speech and our right to offend
In this era of over-political correctness laced with exaggerated sentimentality we find ourselves tip-toeing around sensitive issues trying not to come across as ignorant or bigoted. One blog post, status update, or even comment can have you facing... Read More
‘It is a disgrace that Chelsea were knocked out by Bradford City’ – Jose Mourinho
Jose Mourinho watched his Chelsea side slump to a 4-2 home defeat against Bradford City in the FA Cup fourth round today, and labelled it a “disgrace”. Strong favourites Chelsea went 2-0 up at Stamford Bridge, but ended up falling apart and losing... Read More
Not all that glitters is not gold
Big thanks to one great playwright and the Bard of Avon, the saying “All that glitters is not gold” has spread with an effect that belittles wildfire. And bigger thanks to a purblind and undiscerning population, the didactic saying from the... Read More
Our darling wife
I have begun to warm up to the idea of becoming a wife. Biko, do not ask me why. In fact ask. Then, open your bible (or your neighbor’s own) and check Ecclesiastes 3:1 and nod, whether or not you understand. My friend, that is your answer right... Read More
Nurse Nancy 8
Previous episode I almost peed my pant. I know for sure GOD was punishing me for sleeping with someone’s husband. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life. If this video went public I’ll kill myself. My parents, my friends, the... Read More
Nigeria Blog Awards – Do nominate elsieisy.com
Dear esteemed readers, I humbly need your support. The Nigeria blog awards 2014 is now open for nomination. I humbly request you take out a minute of your busy schedule to nominate elsieisy.com for Best New blog’, ‘Best personal and... Read More