Nearly all ladies have dress rehearsals every night. Once when I stayed with my dandy friend, Jane, she would keep changing clothes until she got the right ones to wear for the next day…even at that, she still would find it difficult to decide what... Read More
Again – 12
Hi readers, ofcourse you have been enjoying this story and i am pleased to announce to you that the book “AGAIN” Written by – Greg Emuze is now available for purchase and download on Okadabooks. Click Here to download. Support a job well... Read More
Killing Christine
Hate. It had coursed through him a few minutes ago. Flowing through his veins like a life force. Seeing her hug Ralph had done this to him. She had insisted he was just a friend but then… He stared down at the woman he held in his arms, her eyes... Read More
Lonely Roads – chapter 24
CLICK HERE FOR PREVIOUS CHAPTER The next morning came with a deadly mixture of fear and anxiety for Adaobi. She had gone over the plan so much in her sleep that she even dreamt of it. Now it was so deeply embedded in her memory that she knew every... Read More
Should I still stick to Him?
I met this guy January 2 2014 through a mutual friend, we got talking on phone as I’m in Nigeria and he is abroad, we got connected so much that it seem like we’ve known each other all our lives, I was not in a relationship when we started... Read More
How to prevent AIDS/STDs without using condom
Studies conducted in my head shows that 99.9% of people now practicing safe sex – sex with condom, had at one point or the other had unprotected sex with one or two partners. Although this is yet to be confirmed by the association of boyfriends and... Read More
When you feel like turning back the hands of time
At some point in life, you must have felt like turning back the hands of time to correct the mistakes, right the wrongs and make better choices. But unfortunately time cannot be stopped or manipulated to serve our whims and caprices. There are things... Read More
Chewing gum can help your oral health
Here is some good news for gum chewers! However, there is a but… – A new study suggested that Chewing gum can enhance oral health by removing 100 million bacteria from your mouth in just 10 minutes. That’s the equivalent of 10% of the... Read More
I sit here trying to pen down or scribble an interesting/entertaining note of some sort as the latest contributor on this wonderful blog I stumbled on recently. The thing is I am like everybody, even if I try to think otherwise (don’t we all) but... Read More