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Crucifix (Finale)

Crucifix - fiction - elsieisy blog

Click HERE for previous episodes “Why are we going to a prison?” I ask, the silence was becoming awkward. “It’s part of my duty as a priest to visit those in prison.” “I don’t know any priest who still does that” “You know... Read More

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Crucifix – 4

Crucifix - fiction - elsieisy blog

Click HERE for previous episodes The vibration on my phone jostled me from my sleepful state, it always does. New follower on twitter, comments from a Facebook post, a new friend request and a series of missed calls, but the one from an unknown number... Read More

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Crucifix – 3

Crucifix - fiction - elsieisy blog

Click HERE for previous episodes Saturday   Mum and I get to church earlier than the usual time, I had pushed that we go earlier just so I can ascertain he is the one taking confessions that Saturday but that isn’t what I told her, I told... Read More

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Crucifix – 2

Crucifix - fiction - elsieisy blog

Click HERE for episode 1 It’s 5:00 am and I’m staring into dark, thinking wild thoughts, when his hands will touch my body, if his hands will touch my body. How do I get close to him? Isn’t this the sort of thing Jezebels are familiar... Read More

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Crucifix - fiction - elsieisy blog

Mother said people who don’t go to church will die like chickens. Every time I visit, she’ll remind me of how Tobi our neighbor was crushed by a truck because he refused to accept Jesus and how Aunt Helen did not have a husband because she... Read More

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The Ex Factor - elsieisy blog

Click HERE for previous episodes. When suspicions and questions starts to creep in, love may at a point reach breaking point. What exactly does this lady think she’s doing? Is June or whatever her name is, trying to break Believe and Titi’s... Read More

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