20 Cool Facts About Left-Handed People

20 Cool Facts About Left-Handed People - elsieisy blog

Since history, there has been no valid explanation from scientists and medical experts as to why some people are born left-handed, and others otherwise. However, research has found a complex link between our genes and environment.

Experts have overtime, been successful in discovering not “lefty-genes”, but the number of left-handed members found to be higher in the family of a left-handed person.

Additionally, they have found that the writings in the brain are different in left-handed and right-handed people. Since lefties spend their entire life adapting to the right-handed world, they are more independent.

Below are 20 cool facts about left-handed people you probably weren’t aware of:

  1. The word “left” is of Anglo-Saxon origin, from a word “lyft” which meant- broken or weak.

  1. In most cases- left- handed people use the right brain side.

  1. 5 to 10 percent of the world population is left-handed.

  1. They are good at sports, like swimming, boxing, tennis, baseball, etc.

  1. They can adjust to see underwater more easily than right-handers.

  1. More than 40 percent of the top world tennis players are left-handed.

  1. They usually reach puberty later, that is, even 5 months after right-handed people.

  1. According to statistics, left-handed college graduates are expected to become 26 percent richer than their right- handed colleagues.

  1. They have an increased risk by 3% to become alcoholics.

  1. Out of 7, four of the United States are left-handed.

  1. The longest words which can be typed with just the left hand with a conventional hand positioning are: sweater, dresses, and tesserae decades.

  1. 1 Apollo astronaut, out of 4, was left-handed.

  1. One study showed that left-handers differently process emotions than right-handers, and they get angry faster.

  1. Studies show that lefties are more talented in math, architecture, and spatial awareness, while righties have more developed verbal skills.

  1. August 13th is the Left-Handers Day.

  1. In the past, left-handedness was believed to be a bad thing, often linked to nasty habits, rebellion, neurosis, a mark of the devil, homosexuality, and criminality. Yet, it was also considered to be a mark of creativity and musical skills.

  1. They have an increased risk of insomnia.

  1. According to statistics, there are more than 30 million left-handed people in America.

  1. Women pregnant in their 40s have an increased risk by 128 percent to give birth to a left- handed child, compared to pregnant women in their 20s.

  1. Some of the most vicious and wanted killers in the human history were left-handed: Jack the Ripper, The Boston Strangles, and Osama Bin Laden.

Source: Healthylifetricks/PeregrineReads

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  1. Left handed people are unique and independent. They adapt to a world which is largely built for right handed individuals.

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