Since history, there has been no valid explanation from scientists and medical experts as to why some people are born left-handed, and others otherwise. However, research has found a complex link between our genes and environment.
Experts have overtime, been successful in discovering not “lefty-genes”, but the number of left-handed members found to be higher in the family of a left-handed person.
Additionally, they have found that the writings in the brain are different in left-handed and right-handed people. Since lefties spend their entire life adapting to the right-handed world, they are more independent.
Below are 20 cool facts about left-handed people you probably weren’t aware of:
- The word “left” is of Anglo-Saxon origin, from a word “lyft” which meant- broken or weak.
- In most cases- left- handed people use the right brain side.
- 5 to 10 percent of the world population is left-handed.
- They are good at sports, like swimming, boxing, tennis, baseball, etc.
- They can adjust to see underwater more easily than right-handers.
- More than 40 percent of the top world tennis players are left-handed.
- They usually reach puberty later, that is, even 5 months after right-handed people.
- According to statistics, left-handed college graduates are expected to become 26 percent richer than their right- handed colleagues.
- They have an increased risk by 3% to become alcoholics.
- Out of 7, four of the United States are left-handed.
- The longest words which can be typed with just the left hand with a conventional hand positioning are: sweater, dresses, and tesserae decades.
- 1 Apollo astronaut, out of 4, was left-handed.
- One study showed that left-handers differently process emotions than right-handers, and they get angry faster.
- Studies show that lefties are more talented in math, architecture, and spatial awareness, while righties have more developed verbal skills.
- August 13th is the Left-Handers Day.
- In the past, left-handedness was believed to be a bad thing, often linked to nasty habits, rebellion, neurosis, a mark of the devil, homosexuality, and criminality. Yet, it was also considered to be a mark of creativity and musical skills.
- They have an increased risk of insomnia.
- According to statistics, there are more than 30 million left-handed people in America.
- Women pregnant in their 40s have an increased risk by 128 percent to give birth to a left- handed child, compared to pregnant women in their 20s.
- Some of the most vicious and wanted killers in the human history were left-handed: Jack the Ripper, The Boston Strangles, and Osama Bin Laden.
Source: Healthylifetricks/PeregrineReads
WoW! These are amazing discoveries. Thanks for sharing.
Left handed people are a special breed.
Left handed people are conformist.
Left handed people are unique and independent. They adapt to a world which is largely built for right handed individuals.